
Showing posts from June, 2011

Intre ani, in orasul dintre doua lumi!

Dupa ce am sarbatorit de 28 de ori trecerea anilor in sanul familiei sau inconjurat de (multi!) prieteni si amici, m-am hotarat ca pentru ultima aniversare a zilei mele de nastere cu prefixul “2”, sa incep sa ma acomodez cu batranetea si sa serbez in liniste si pace! Spre deliciul iubitei mele, am acceptat cu mare placere sa fiu rapit si dus intr-o locatie secreta. Asa se face ca pe 17 Iunie mi-am asezat trupul meu inca tanar si viguros pe scaunul din dreapta al masinii si am pornit la drum! Ca orice calatorie memorabilia care trebuie sa inceapa cu multa aventura, la iesirea din Ploiesti am fost trasi pe dreapta de un agent de circulatie foarte vigilent. Ne-a informat foarte politicos ca pe vestitul si modernul DN1, am depasit viteza legala si “ne-a prins” radarul cu 88 km/h! O viteza fantastica pentru secolul al XXI-lea, asa ca trebuie sa platim amenda. M-am gandit ca nu e mare problema, limita e de 70km/h si se incadreaza pe undeva pe la minim. Organul legii ne-a informat insa ca NU...

29 de ani!

Am mult de scris pe blog dar nu am timp acum. Le multumesc tuturor pentru urarile de bine si promit 2-3 articole interesante in urmatoarele zile!

RIP Facebook! (for me at least) - eng

I decided to close my Facebook account and did so today. I'll start by saying that it can't be closed (!!!) and also explain why. I love the concept of a "social network". Facebook is integrated with a lot of stuff these days and besides easy access to phone numbers of "friends", a place to share pictures and what not, it also allows you to login with you FB account on many websites around the internet. In addition to that, with facebook being used by so many people, you get a good chance to get back in touch with people you have not seen in ages. On the other hand why would you get back in touch with them? If you "ended" the "friendship" years ago and lost their contact details, did not see them and who knows what else, why do you NEED to get back in touch? I will not go deeper into this, I'll let a sociologist or psychologist answer it. I think Facebook is VERY shady when it comes to respecting your rights as a customer/user and...

Miting aviatic

Am fost sambata trecuta (4 Iunie) la un miting aviating organizat la aerodromul de la Clinceni. Ca un mare pasionat de aviatie, m-am bucurat de ocazie, chiar daca nu prea suport soarele. Am ajuns la aerodrom dupa ce am gresit drumul si m-am dus spre Ploiesti (…), fara sa ratez prea multe numere de acrobatie. Accesul s-a facut prin partea din spate a pistei, intr-o parcare amenajata si delimitata foarte decent pe camp. Chiar era loc suficient, in pofida numarului mare de spectatori. Am parcat frumos masina la cateva sute de metrii de niste corturi pe care scria mare Ursus, unde, in naivitatea mea, am crezut ca se vinde bere... Odata ajunsi la umbrelele cu pricina, am avut surpriza sa vedem ca de fapt acolo se vand bilete, nu bere. Bilete de acces „la show”. Cu numai 20 de RON, aveai dreptul sa ai acces la o toaleta mobila, si la dozatorul de bere (si apa plata) care se aflau ceva mai departe in incinta „cu plata”. Eram patru persoane si ne-am gandit ca este cel putin stupid sa platim 8...

"Arab World" unrest (eng)

Some months back, when the whole chaos started in the northern African countries, I started wondering a lot "why". Oil is a good reason, but the oil reserves are firmly in US/EU hands via the local dictators, monarchs or military regimes. After the problems in the 80's, the same local regimes are now, if not friendly, at least restrained towards Israel. Why destabilize them? Why remove people in power in Egypt or Libya, when you know they will "play ball". My guess is that there is a big problem related to the relationship between Iran and Israel. Iran is a big destabilizing force in the middle east. They are not Arabs and don't see eye to eye with the "dream" of an Arab empire as it existed before the Ottomans came from the far east. In addition to that, they stated publicly that they want Israel wiped off the map. In reality, there is little to no chance to avoid a military confrontation with Iran. The US and EU can't have the oil reserve...