
Va salut!

Sunt Tudor Rosca si m-am hotarat sa imi fac blog. Nu stiu daca am citit vreodata un blog, dar am auzit ca e la moda. Acest blog nu va avea o tematica anumita. Scriu pe el cam tot ce imi trece prin cap. Daca va place, foarte bine. Daca nu, asta e. Nu voi folosi diacritice pentru ca planuiesc sa scriu si in engleza, si in Romana si nu vreau sa incurc cititorii din strainatate cu diacriticele.

Subiectele de interes national vor fi in Romana, cu exceptia celor cu implicatii internationale si cele internationale in engleza.

Cam atat, va doresc toate cele bune. Acum sa incerc sa vad cum se foloseste un blog ...


I am Tudor Rosca and I decided to create my own blog. I don't know if I ever read any blog, but I heard it's all the rage now. This blog will not cover a specific subject. I will post on it pretty much whatever goes through my mind. If you like it, very well. If not, that's that. I will not use Romanian letters (ă î ş ţ î ) as I don't want to create extra trouble for my international readers.

The subjects that cover strictly Romanian affairs will be posted in Romanian unless they have international implications and the international subjects will be in English.

That's about it. I wish you all the best. Now let me try to see how to use this blog ...


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